Saturday, 21 March 2015


The most boring post so far.

I'm on my last placement before my final exams, at a GP surgery in Shropshire. The exams after are sort of important, but I'm not very good at revising. Usually I scribble notes on scrap paper then lose the sheets. Sometimes I copy and paste from wikipedia or type notes on my laptop. More often than not I get lots of books out of the library, then flick through a few pages of each before falling asleep. You'd have thought that having sat exams every year of the last decade that I would have come up with a system that works by now.

Until now I've never ever used colours, or attempted to make notes even remotely legible. So here, to prove that I can, I will upload some GP management algorithms I made. Maybe they'll be of some use to another hapless finalist.

Atrial Fibrillation

p.s. CHA2DS2VaSc
Warfarin is more effective at preventing strokes than aspirin
New guidance suggests that any score (except Sex Category = Female in isolation) should prompt consideration of anticoagulation, possibly with Dabigatran.

Type 2 Diabetes 
Oral Hypoglycaemic Medicatio 


Edit: I did do a bit more work and instantly failed to persevere with any revision plan. Also I realise that these three pages are obviously inadequate and inaccurate and illegible, but I'm keeping them here anyway just 'cause.

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